12-year-old Girl Faces Felony Counts in LA School Shooting대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 14:37:19
  • 수정 2018-03-13 14:43:19

A 12-year-old girl in Los Angeles was taken into custody after she and the witnesses were interviewed. This is because, there was a gun in her backpack, and there were injured students in her class and an adult.

▲ the picture of situation in LA school at that time

Fortunately, the victims of this terrible accident are expected to recover because the class where the accident happened was an electric class, which is a class for all grades. One victim who was a 15-year-old boy who was shot in the head was also expected to recover. He was extremely lucky that the bullet missed the vital structure in his brain, and another victim who was a 15- year-old girl and was shot in the wrist was also hospitalized. Other victims have minor injuries, so they will recover soon. So, all victims of this accident were bound to recover.

▲ the girl who captured by police

Strangely, the 12-year-old girl who was the perpetrator did not mean to shot. This means that she knew about the gun's existence in her bag but did not know about its loading condition at that time. This terrible case showed us severe reality in U.S.a. which is a country that allows children to carry guns for their own safety. So, many people around the world questioned about this serious problem's solution. However, the U.S. government cannot change the rule of firearms because of NRA (National Rifle Association). It has a very big power in the U.S, so they have the ability to change the law as they please. Therefore, even if the gun control law is enacted, it is highly likely that it will not be enforced by many experts.

▲ the picture of mom who was waiting for her daughter in LA School

However, I strongly believe that the U.S. should make a solution for the question of firearms. Until now, the U.S. government talks about the changing of the rule of using guns because of NRA. They are talking into consideration about this incident and thinking about the laws on using firearms for protection purposes.


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