Many Newborns Are Dying 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 14:25:12

Each year, 2.6 million babies do not survive in their first month. According to the UN children's agency, Pakistan is the riskiest country for newborns. They also say that 46 children of 1000 children die at birth in Pakistan. The second high-risk country for the newborn is the Central African Republic, and third is Afghanistan. Also, Somalia, Lesotho, Guinea-Bissau, South Sudan and Ivory coast are included in eight highest-risk countries for newborns.

▲ baby is sick.

Then, why are there so many newborns die so early? The causes of death are premature births, complications such as lack of oxygen at birth and neonatal infections, including sepsis and pneumonia. Most of these eight countries have the lowest GDP in the world. These countries are mostly poor, so they cannot receive treatment although they are taken ill. Because these problems became worse, UNICEF activates. UNICEF has appealed on properly training midwives and following better access to well-trained midwives, along with proven solutions such as clean water, disinfectants, breastfeeding within the first hour, skin-to-skin contact, and good nutrition. Also, many people all around the world try to help them. People donate for them and go to these countries directly.

▲ check temperature

There are also the best countries for newborns. They are Japan, Iceland, and Singapore. Their GDP is much higher than eight countries, and the level of welfare is also great. In these countries, the situation that newborns are dying is a very unusual case. These countries do not have premature births, and all people in the nation can see a doctor if they fall sick. Also, they do not have the danger of civil war.

▲ baby who have good environment

In the world, because of an irrational economy system, there are poor countries and rich countries. These two groups of countries have different GDP, level of welfare, and political position. These multiple conditions make so many newborns die. Some people think they do not have to help them. However, this newborn problem is a problem worldwide, so we should love for mankind. Newborns could not choose their parents and nations. We should believe that we might be newborns of eight countries.


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